Quick Tips

The Ronnie Rig has taken the carp fishing world by storm over the past few years and has become one of the best rigs for catching big carp on floating baits.
In my opinion, its key feature is its ability to "reset itself." Once cast into the water, this rig will always present itself perfectly. When dealing with a lot of small fish in the venue, some of our rigs can be lifted, moved around, and can end up presenting poorly, which affects hookset efficiency negatively. With the Ronnie Rig, this issue will never occur.

The "Knotless Knot" is a fundamental yet simplest rig in carp fishing. It gained popularity in the early nineties and has forever changed carp fishing around the world.
It could even be said that this rig provided the foundation for one of the most popular methods in fishing today, which is carp angling. Thanks to its simplicity and the complete elimination of the weakest link, the knot, the material upon which it is tied retains practically 100% of its strength.

Through years of carp fishing, it has become almost essential for me to fish in snaggy areas where usually the branches of submerged trees are covered with raciznic algae. Though the saying "where there are sticks, there are results" may be considered a cliché, for me, it often becomes a necessary condition when choosing a spot to lay my rig.
I simply can't fish any other way/don't want to. To "carp" safely in snag-ridden places, I must have confidence in the rig I'm using. In such situations, I only use the Kevlar Slip D-Rig.

For quite some time, I have been using my own modified version of the Blow Back Rig setup. It has become my go-to rig as it is incredibly versatile.
I employ the Cranked Blow Back Rig with nearly every type of bait—from classic sinking boilies, through wafters and "snowman" setups, to corn kernels or tiger nuts. The materials used for its construction provide a very strong rig, and its performance has proven to be exceptionally effective for me over the years. I highly encourage you to try out my version of the Blow Back Rig and see its effectiveness for yourself by the water!

The Combi Rig is a legendary leader that has been used by carp anglers around the world for many years to target the most cautious carp.
Its combination usually involves pairing fluorocarbon with a short section of soft braid. The connection of the stiff section with the soft one can be done using various knots, but I especially like to do it using the Krimp Tool crimping tool, which is one of my most frequently used tools. With it, the loops are always perfect, and the connection is super strong. I most often use the Combi Rig when casting because the stiff material prevents it from tangling. I also use it when baiting from a boat, setting up on the slopes near the banks where the water is still quite clear. I am then confident that it is practically invisible on the bottom and that small fish can't tangle it.

The Silicone Tube Rig is undoubtedly one of the most effective rigs dedicated to sinking baits. Over the years, it has been responsible for catching a significant number of record carp all around the globe.
Its effectiveness is attributed to the silicone tube, which hinders the carp from spitting out the bait and ensures that the hook perfectly sets in the lower lip. It's important to select the proper diameter of the tube to match the size of the hook so that it can slide towards the hook's eye during a take. This rig is particularly suitable for baiting with a throw stick, as the tube may shift its position during stronger casts. I personally use it in almost all conditions, and I especially value it for its simplicity and devilishly good effectiveness.

The topic of constructing a rig that can be considered by carp anglers across the globe as one of the most universal and versatile, yet devilishly effective, has been a subject of debate for decades!
For me, that rig has always been the Blow-Back Rig, which has become almost legendary! Why? Because it has been and remains effective in most situations we encounter by the water, and it can harmonize with virtually any bait that hangs on its hair! From sinking boilies, through balanced wafters, to grains and "snowmen". Could we want anything more? Always!

It's safe to say that this is one of the most popular and effective rigs in the history of carp fishing.
It has a very wide range of applications as it presents well with wafters, pop-ups, snowman rigs, sinking boilies as well as grains. Its high effectiveness is owed to the ring which, when a carp attempts to expel the bait, allows it to be pushed far away from the hook's point, which in the majority of takes results in a perfect hookset in the fish's bottom lip.

The KD Rig, a carp rig invented by Kenny Dorsett, is one of the simplest carp rigs to assemble.
The high effectiveness of the KD Rig comes from its simple construction and the unique mechanics of its action, which have outsmarted thousands of carps around the world. It can be confidently stated that the KD Rig is a universal solution, as it works perfectly with both sinking boilies and pop-ups, and many carp anglers can hardly imagine fishing with wafters without using this rig.